Transparency Program

The Institution of Public Commissioners

About the authority

Regulatory legal framework

Full texts

The right to be informed and to complain
The controlling and monitoring mechanisms operating in PC Information on the budget and financial data of PC Information on procurement procedures/competitive bidding/concession procedures/public-private partnership procedures
Services provided by PC The procedures/mechanisms for expressing opinions regarding the process of drafting laws/bylaws, public policies or in relation to the exercise of functions in PC Document/Records retention system, types and forms of documents
Register of requests and responses Social assistance/subsidies provided by PC Information/documents that are most frequently requested and those that are considered effective for publication by PC

Note*: In cases when the Public Authority is self-financed by the license fees or any other way of direct financing by the subjects regulated by it, are made public also the documents that provide general terms and conditions that indicate the settlement of obligations by certified subjects.

The Institution of Public Commissioners is not focus on providing public services, such as: issuance of documentation/permits/licenses/authorizations, etc.

Based on Article 53 of law no. 84/2016 “On the transitional re-evaluation of Judges and Prosecutors in the Republic of Albania”, on the involvement of the public in the denunciation of facts and in order to make it easier to step forward, the PC offer a free denunciation model to the public.Denunciation Form

The Institution of Public Commissioners is established and operates on the basis of Article 179 / b of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, the constitutional Annex and law no. 84/2016, "On the transitional re-evaluation of judges and prosecutors in the Republic of Albania". Consequently, it does not undertake legislative initiatives and in PC is not applied the law no. 146/2014, "On Notification and Public Consultation".

PC does not provide social assistance and subsidies, therefore does not meet the following requirements.

Note: AP assesses the publication given in reference to the requests submitted most frequently.

Based on Article 7, of law no. 119/2014, “On the right to information” (“LDI”), the Institution of Public Commissioners (“PC”), publishes on its website the Transparency Program (“TP”), according to the form and content, approved by Commissioner for the Right to Information and Protection Personal Data (“the Commissioner”). Through this program, the Institution of Public Commissioners aims to inform the public about the functional institutional activity and to review and update the TP in any case of alteration of institutional activity, legal regulatory framework or any other element related to proactive transparency.

The Transparency Program specifies the categories of mandatory information required to be made public. Public information without request must be: complete, accurate, updated, easy to consult, comprehensible, easily accessible and in compliance with the original documents in possession of PC. Moreover, before publishing the information, PC assesses whether there are any legal restrictions on publication.

Acts/records that contain rules, norms or restrictions of the fundamental rights and freedom of the individual, as well as with direct effect on them, if any, they are made public by posting or official publication in the official website, within 48 hours from the approval of the act by the PC.

The Transparency Program specifies the categories of mandatory information to be made public, the manner of publication, as well as the legal provisions from which the obligation arise for publishing. In publishing information, the PC should take into consideration the public interest, as well as enable simpler access to public information.

The Transparency Program is approved and published with Decision no. 4, dated 18.03.2021 and Order no. 23, dated 30.3.2021 of the Public Commissioners