
Salary scales

Decision of the Assembly no. 94/2017, “On the approval of the organizational structure, and salary scale of the employees in the Institution of Public Commissioners”

Decision of the Assembly no. 102/2018, On some additions and amendments of the Assembly of the Republic of Albania Decision No. 94/2017 “On the approval of the organizational structure, […]

Chart of functions, assignments and competences of directors/rates and component structures

Internal Administrative Regulation of the Institution of Public Commissioners / Annex 2: Job Descriptions
Internal Administrative Regulation of the Institution of Public Commissioners

Decisions of the Assembly of the Republic of Albania

Assembly decision no. 102/2018 “On the Approval of the Organizational Structure, Chart and Salary Classification of Personnel in the PC”
Assembly decision no. 94/2017, “On the Approval of the Organizational Structure, Chart and Salary Classification of Personnel in the PC”

Public Denunciations

The Institution of Public Commissioners as a representative of the public interest during the process of the Reform in the Justice system, likewise under Article 53 of Law no. 84/2016, “On the Transitional Re-evaluation of Prosecutors and Judges in the Republic of Albania”, is obliged to review each public denudation. Hereby, by the Institution of […]

Press release

18 December 2018

The Public Commissioner was present today at the Appeal Chamber, while reviewed the appeal filed by this Institution against the Decision No. 32/2018, of the Independent Qualification Commission, for the subject of re-evaluation Mrs. Alma Brati, Judge at the Judicial District Court, Tirana.

The Public Commissioner in his comments regarding the evidence deposited to […]