• Address your request to the Information Coordinator of the Institution of Public Commissioners. The contacts are published on the official website of the institution, link: https://ikp.al/en/coordinator-on-the-right-of-information/ 

  • The addresses and contacts to address your request can be found through free consultation of information on the premises of the public authority or through the official website of the public authority on the internet: https://ikp.al/en/contact/

  • The time limits of request-response are provided in Article 15, of law no. 119/2014, “On the right to information” (clickable)

  • The way to request-response will be enabled: by official letter / by mail and by official e-mail / address official email as appropriate.

  • Whether you deem that any of your rights have been denied based on the law, you have the right to complain to the Commissioner for the Right to Information and Protection of Personal Data:

Complaint Forms

Complaint Forms on the Protection of Personal Data

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