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So far admin has created 2493 blog entries.

Notification- no appeal of Decision No. 93/2018 of IQC for the subject of re-evaluation Mr. Admir Belishta

Decision No. 93/2018 Click here

Notification- no appeal of Decision No. 85/2018 of IQC for the subject of re-evaluation Mrs. Emona Muçi

Decision No. 85/2018 Click here

Notification- no appeal of Decision No. 87/2018 of IQC for the subject of re-evaluation Mr. Fatos Qato

Decision No.87/2018 Click here

Notification- no appeal of Decision No. 92/2018 of IQC for the subject of re-evaluation Mr. Izet Kadana

Decision No. 92/2018 Click here

Press release

o5 February 2019

The Public Commissioner was present today at the Appeal Chamber, where continued the examination of the appeal filed by this Institution against the Decision no. 32/2018, of the Independent Qualification Commission, for the subject of re-evaluation Mrs. Alma Brati, Judge at the District Court, Tirana.

The Adjudication Panel of the Appeal Chamber in the […]

Press release

01 February 2019

On December 20, 2018, in conclusion of the respective hearing session, the Independent Qualification Commission decided on confirmation in duty of the subject of re-evaluation, Mr. Adnand Kosova prosecutor at the General Prosecutor’s Office.

The Decision no. 90/2018, of the Independent Qualification Commission related to the confirmation in duty of the prosecutor Mr. Adnand […]

Recommendation to IQC Decision No. 90/2018

Recommendation dated 1.2.2019

Appeal against the Decision No. 86/2018 of IQC, for the subject of re-evaluation Mrs. Alma Kolgjoka

Appeal date 31.01.2019 Click here
Elements of the case dated 19.2.2020  Click here
Elements of the case dated 19.6.2020  Click here
Elements of the case dated 19.6.2020  Click here

Press release

31 January 2019

The Public Commissioner within the legal time limit, filed an appeal at the Appeal Chamber by the Constitutional Court, against the Decision no.86/2018, of the Independent Qualification Commission, for the subject of re-evaluation Mrs. Alma Kolgjoka, President of District Court, Krujë.

The Public Commissioner ascertains that the investigation process for the asset assessment criterion […]

Notification- no appeal of Decision No. 82/2018 of IQC for the subject of re-evaluation Mr. Artur Selmani

Decision No. 82/2018   Click here