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So far admin has created 2491 blog entries.

Notification- no appeal of Decision No. 547/2022 of IQC for the assessee Mr. Çlirim Sino

Decision No. 547/2022 Click here

Njoftim për mosankimin e vendimit nr. 547, datë 6.7.2022, të KPK-së, për subjektin e rivlerësimit z. Çlirim Sino

Vendimi nr. 547, datë 6.7.2022 Kliko këtu

Notification- no appeal of Decision No. 546/2022 of IQC for the assessee Mr. Arben Sharra

Decision No. 546/2022 Click here

Notification- no appeal of Decision No. 545/2022 of IQC for the assessee Mr. Astrit Halilaj

Decision No. 545/2022 Click here

Press Release

September 13, 2022

The Public Commissioner was present today at the Appeal Chamber while initiating the judicial review of the appeal filed against the Decision no. 269/2020, of the Independent Qualification Commission, for the assessee, Mrs. Valdete Hoxha, acting judge at Tirana Court of Appeals.

During the verification of the parties’ presence in the hearing, the assessee […]

Notification- no appeal of Decision No. 541/2022 of IQC for the assessee Mr. Bevis Shehaj

Decision No. 541/2022 Click here

Notification- no appeal of Decision No. 542/2022, of IQC for the assessee Mrs. Brunilda Çarçiu

Decision No. 542/2022 Click here

Notification- no appeal of Decision No. 543/2022 of IQC for the assessee Mr. Altin Abdiu

Decision No. 543/2022 Click here

Press Release

August 09, 2022

The Public Commissioner within the legal time limit filed an appeal at the Appeal Chamber by the Constitutional Court against Decision no. 538/2022, of the Independent Qualification Commission, for the assessee, Mrs. Elona Alvora, prosecutor at Vlora District Prosecution Office.

From the review of decision no. 538/2022, of the Independent Qualification Commission and its […]

Appeal against the Decision No. 538/2022 of IQC, for the assessee Mrs. Elona Alvora

Appeal date 9.8.2022 Click here