Appeal against the Decision No. 264/2020 of IQC, for the subject of re-evaluation Mrs. Elona Toro 

Appeal date 5.10.2020  Click here
Elements of the case dated 05.12.2022 Click here
Elements of the case dated 21.12.2022 Click here
Final conclusions dated 25.1.2023 Click here

Appeal against the Decision No. 273/2020 of IQC, for the subject of re-evaluation Mrs. Alkelina Gazidedja

Appeal date 20.8.2020  Click here
Elements of the case dated 28.10.2021 Click here
The opinion of the Public Commissioner in the hearing session dated 1.11.2021 Click here
Final conclusions dated 9.11.2021 Click here

Appeal against the Decision No. 269/2020 of IQC, for the subject of re-evaluation Mrs. Valdete Hoxha

Appeal date 11.8.2020  Click here
Elements of the case dated 13.9.2022  Click here
Final conclusions dated 23.9.2022 Click here

Appeal against the Decision No. 256/2020 of IQC, for the subject of re-evaluation Mrs. Etleva Deda

Appeal date 11.8.2020  Click here
Elements of the case dated 05.07.2022 Click here

Appeal against the Decision No. 257/2020 of IQC, for the subject of re-evaluation Mrs. Miranda Andoni

Appeal date 24.7.2020  Click here
Elements of the case dated 13.12.2022  Click here
Final conclusions dated 19.12.2022 Click here

Appeal against the Decision No. 255/2020 of IQC, for the subject of re-evaluation Mr. Ludovik Dodaj

Appeal date 9.7.2020  Click here
Elements of the case dated 07.06.2022 Click here
Final conclusions dated 27.6.2022 Click here 

Appeal against the Decision No. 241/2020 of IQC, for the subject of re-evaluation Mrs. Irena Gjoka

Appeal date 12.6.2020  Click here
Elements of the case dated 26.5.2022 Click here
Final conclusions dated 31.5.2022 Click here

Appeal against the Decision No. 231/2020 of IQC, for the subject of re-evaluation Mr. Anton Martini

Appeal date 10.6.2020  Click here
Elements of the case dated 30.3.2021 Click here
Elements of the case dated 1.4.2021 Click here
Elements of the case dated 19.4.2021 Click here
Elements of the case dated 27.5.2021 Click here
Final conclusions dated 1.6.2021 Click here

Appeal against the Decision No. 249/2020 of IQC, for the subject of re-evaluation Mr. Piro Samara

Appeal date 9.6.2020  Click here
Elements of the case dated 13.1.2021 Click here

Appeal against the Decision No. 229/2020 of IQC, for the subject of re-evaluation Mr. Dritan Banushi

Appeal date 12.3.2020  Click here
Elements of the case dated 26.4.2022 Click here
Final conclusions dated 27.5.2022 Click here