19 May 2022

The Public Commissioner was present today at the Appeal Chamber while continued the judicial review of the appeal filed against the Decision no. 325/2020, of the Independent Qualification Commission, for the assessee, Mrs. Rilinda Selimi, judge at the Tirana Administrative Court of Appeal.

The Public Commissioner responded to the clarifying questions regarding the appeal, which were addressed by the case rapporteur during the previous hearing, dated 28.4.2022.

The assessee objected to the appeal grounds concerning all three evaluation criteria, claiming that they are unfounded and unsupported by law and evidence. The assessee, Mrs. Rilinda Selimi, sustained these claims in several submitted acts, a part of which, she stated that she would inquired or not, to be considered as evidence from the adjudication panel, depending on the subsequent position that the Public Commissioner would hold after becoming acquainted with the aforementioned.

After the Public Commissioner stated that he did not have a position regarding the acts, at the request of the presiding judge to clarify the procedural moment, the assessee listed the acts, which she asked to be considered as evidence by the panel. For the rest of the acts, the assessee stated that will express herself after the Chamber holds a position on whether or not to open an investigation regarding this case.

The adjudication panel decided to adjourn the hearing session on June 6, 2022, at 10:00 a.m., in order to decide the continuance of the adjudication of this case.

Pursuant to point 1, Article 16 of the regulation of the Institution of Public Commissioners, the appeal and elements of the case are published on the official website of this institution: http://ikp.al/ankime

The Institution of Public Commissioners has been established and operates under Article 179/b and the Annex of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania and Law No. 84/2016, “On the Transitional Re-evaluation of Judges and Prosecutors in the Republic of Albania”.

Public Commissioners represent the public interest during the transitional process of re-evaluation of judges and prosecutors in the Republic of Albania.​