April 16, 2024

The Public Commissioner was present today at the Appeal Chamber to initiate the judicial review of the appeal filed against Decision no. 714/2023, of the Independent Qualification Commission, for the assessee, Mr. Besnik Maho, former judge at Pogradec Judicial District Court.

After verifying the parties’ attendance at the hearing, the presiding judge informed that the assessee via electronic communication had requested the adjournment of today’s hearing, due to personal reasons.

In subsequent, the presiding judge requested the Public Commissioner’s stance related to the aforementioned request.

The Public Commissioner stated that the request should be accompanied by supporting acts outlining the reasons cited by the assessee, taking into account the fact that the assessee had also appealed the decision of the Independent Qualification Commission. Concluding his statement, the Public Commissioner requested that the hearing proceed accordingly.

The adjudication panel, after consultation, decided to grant the opportunity to the appellant Mr. Besnik Maho, to be heard at the following hearing scheduled on May 7, 2024, at 10:00.

Based on point 1, Article 16 of the regulation of the Institution of Public Commissioners, the appeal is published on the official website of this institution: http://ikp.al/ankime

The Institution of Public Commissioners has been established and operates under Article 179/b and the Annex of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania and Law No. 84/2016, “On the Transitional Re-evaluation of Judges and Prosecutors in the Republic of Albania”.

The Public Commissioners represent the public interest during the transitional process of re-evaluation of judges and prosecutors in the Republic of Albania.​ PDF