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So far admin has created 2493 blog entries.

Notification- no appeal of Decision No. 202/2019 of IQC for the subject of re-evaluation Mr. Përparim Kulluri

Decision No. 202/2019  Click here

Notification- no appeal of Decision No. 208/2019 of IQC for the subject of re-evaluation Mrs. Daniela Shirka

Decision No. 208/2019  Click here

Notification- no appeal of Decision No. 203/2019 of IQC for the subject of re-evaluation Mr. Sulejman Kurti

Decision No. 203/2019  Click here

Chart of functions, assignments and competences of directors/rates and component structures

Internal Administrative Regulation of the Institution of Public Commissioners / Annex 2: Job Descriptions
Internal Administrative Regulation of the Institution of Public Commissioners

Decisions of the Assembly of the Republic of Albania

Assembly decision no. 102/2018 “On the Approval of the Organizational Structure, Chart and Salary Classification of Personnel in the PC”
Assembly decision no. 94/2017, “On the Approval of the Organizational Structure, Chart and Salary Classification of Personnel in the PC”

Public Denunciations

The Institution of Public Commissioners as a representative of the public interest during the process of the Reform in the Justice system, likewise under Article 53 of Law no. 84/2016, “On the Transitional Re-evaluation of Prosecutors and Judges in the Republic of Albania”, is obliged to review each public denudation. Hereby, by the Institution of […]

Notification- no appeal of Decision No. 216/2019 of IQC for the subject of re-evaluation Mr. Agim Bendo

Decision No. 216/2019  Click here

Press release

20 December 2019

The Public Commissioner, within the time limit, filed an appeal to the Appeal Chamber by the Constitutional Court, against the Decision no. 200/2019, of the Independent Qualification Commission, for the subject of re-evaluation Mr. Besim Hajdarmataj, prosecutor at the Prosecution Office of the First Instance Court for Serious Crimes, Tiranë.

The Public Commissioner, having […]

Appeal against the Decision No. 200/2019 of IQC, for the subject of re-evaluation Mr. Besim Hajdarmataj

Appeal date 20.12.2019  Click here
Elements of the case dated 21.6.2021 Click here
Elements of the case dated 8.7.2021 Click here
Final conclusions dated 16.7.2021 Click here
Elements of the case dated 3.8.2021 Click here
Response of the questions submitted during the hearing dated 3.8.2021 Click here

Notification- no appeal of Decision No. 194/2019 of IQC for the subject of re-evaluation Mr. Enkel Peza

Decision No. 194/2019  Click here