25 September 2019

The Public Commissioner was present today at the Appeal Chamber, while continued the judicial review of the appeal filed against the Decision no. 62/2018, of the Independent Qualification Commission, for the subject of re-evaluation Mr. Artur Malaj, judge at the Administrative Court of Appeal, Tirana.

The re-evaluation subject Mr.Artur Malaj could not be present today in the session due to health issues.

The spouse of the subject submitted to the adjudication panel a medical report and the request from the re-evaluation subject to adjourn the scheduled hearing regarding the review of the financial analysis and the administration of the evidence deposited for the purpose of the judicial review.

After deliberation behind closed doors, the adjudication panel decided to hold the next hearing session on October 3, 2019, at 10:00 a.m.

Pursuant to point 1, Article 16 of the Regulation “On the Activity of the Institution of Public Commissioners”, additional appeal and elements of the case are published on the official website of this institution: http://ikp.al/ankime/

The Institution of Public Commissioners has been established and operates under Article 179/b  the Annex of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania and Law No. 84/2016, “On the Transitional Re-evaluation of Judges and Prosecutors in the Republic of Albania”.

The Public Commissioners represent the public interest during the transitional re-evaluation process of judges and prosecutors in the Republic of Albania.​