01 April 2022

The Public Commissioner was present today at the Appeal Chamber while continued the judicial review of the appeal filed against the Decision no. 363/2021, of the Independent Qualification Commission, of the assessee Ms. Elizabeta Imeraj, prosecutor /Head of Tirana District Prosecution Office.

After verifying the parties’ presence in the hearing, the Public Commissioner responded to the questions that the assessee and the lawyer submitted before the end of yesterday’s hearing session, which were related to the findings of the international observers and of the asset assessment criterion.

The assessee, Ms. Elizabeta Imeraj, concluded her objections of the three assessment criteria, referring to the appeal grounds of the Public Commissioner, requesting the Chamber to:

– Reopen the investigation, and to take in the quality of evidence the acts in the file lodged to the Appeal Chamber, as well as the new acts, referred by her in support of the claims raised in this regard.

– To address the relevant institutions to obtain the necessary additional information, likewise the summoning of witnesses, in the framework of a comprehensive and thorough investigation.

– To uphold the decision no. 363/2021, of the Independent Qualification Commission.

After hearing the parties’ submissions, the adjudication panel withdrew for consultation regarding the requests submitted by the assessee, which will be explained in the following hearing that will take place on April 12, 2022, at 13:00 p.m.

Pursuant to paragraph 1, Article 16, of the regulation of the Institution of Public Commissioners, the appeal and the elements of the case are published on the official website of this institution: http://ikp.al/ankime/

The Institution of Public Commissioners has been established and operates under Article 179/b and the Annex of the Constitution of the Republic of Albania and Law No. 84/2016, “On the Transitional Re-evaluation of Judges and Prosecutors in the Republic of Albania”.

The Public Commissioners represent the public interest during the transitional re-evaluation process of judges and prosecutors in the Republic of Albania.​